Job Placement

Our job placement service connects justice-involved individuals with employers who provide full-time employment opportunities. We work closely with our clients to match their skills and interests with the right job.

Our job placement service is backed by a strong network of reputable employers, ensuring reliable and fulfilling opportunities for our clients.

  • Personalized job matching
  • Strong industry connections
  • Dedicated support system

Career Counseling

Our career counseling service offers personalized guidance to help individuals achieve their professional goals. From resume building to interview preparation, we provide the tools and support needed for success.

Our career counseling service is built on the expertise of industry professionals, providing valuable insights and guidance for success.

  • Customized career planning
  • Comprehensive job tools
  • Professional guidance

Skill Development

Our skill development program focuses on enhancing the skills and qualifications of our clients, ensuring they are well-prepared for the job market.

Our skill development program is designed to meet the demands of the evolving job market, equipping our clients with the necessary skills for long-term success.

  • Skill enhancement programs
  • Qualification development
  • Competitive edge focus

“VMCONSULTING-TAPP has truly changed my life. With their help, I was able to secure a stable job and rebuild my future. I am forever grateful for their commitment to helping individuals like me.”

— John Smith